28-08-2022, Sunday
When I saw original photo of Pavel Vaculovič, amazing Czech photographer, the place, colors and light completely got my heart. And I was decided, I must to paint this beauty and learn how to paint all those greens, yellows, reds and browns on trees. I almost don’t remember when exactly I started painting of the alley. It’s been for me such a long path what happened in my life. This painting will always…
24-05-2022, Tuesday
Jako poměrně ještě neznámý umělec (dovolte mi si označit se tímto slovem, nechť si každý dosadí, co je mu milé), mě zajímají různé metody, jak se dostat k realizaci obrazů, kreseb a maleb, které obohatí nejen mě, ale i druhou stranu. Cíl Před pár lety jsem si zmapovala, co se dá dělat a jak využít své schopnosti malování a nepřestávám sledovat, co mě zajímá. Byly chvíle, kdy jsem chtěla dělat cokoliv…
21-11-2021, Sunday
Apparently, series of Vikings was very strong experience. Characters development and all stories from northern countries which are so different from culture of mid Europe history as we know it. My impression I must admit I didn’t know much about it, just basic information what I learned from school when I was a child. The way how it is possible to capture all emotions, life struggles, habits, values and…
05-05-2020, Tuesday
Olejomalba lepenka nebo rám - rám z masivní borovice olejové barvy jsou vysoce světlostálé (používám olejové barvy značky Umton, Master Class nebo Van Gog) složitější na výrobu - některé části je potřeba nechat zaschnout než se zase bude nanášet další barva. Schnutí může trvat v závislosti na požadovaném výsledku 1-3 dny. nanáší se závěrečný lak, který malbu chrání před prachem a nečistotami, zvýrazní…
24-06-2018, Sunday
This is the most often question I get all the time. So I’m supposed to answer it in detail, right? :) I don’t count You may guess it’s not that easy to sum it up. I don’t really count hours or minutes how long I spent on my painting. Imagine you have the most favorite hobby — like staring at the sunset, reading a book you’re really into or talking to your new partner for hours — do you count hours? Where is…
15-10-2017, Sunday
I skipped paintings of cubes and balls and other useless pictures. Yes, I needed to practice. So I did. I bought some paper and oil colors, brushes, pallet, turpentine and that was it. I didn’t want to destroy canvas because I had no idea how it will behave. So I chose watercolor paper which costs 7CZK (like $0.30). Inspiration I spent a whole day of watching video tutorials of Bob Ross. I understood how to…
25-06-2017, Sunday
This is always the first reaction of surprised people who I work with and then they find out I‘m an artist. I‘m not gonna explain how difficult personality man can be, the point is somewhere else. Faces Since I remember I‘ve had a close connection to music. And journey from music to visual art is not so far. When I was at primary school I was fascinated by people‘s mimics and their faces. Then I tried to…
From a young age, I was drawn to various artistic pursuits, whether it was playing musical instruments, singing, or drawing. These passions have been with me throughout my entire life, and I feel like the desire to express my true self was simply born within me, further amplified by life's unfolding events.
Gradually, I discovered that the main impulse behind my creations is to capture the inner freedom and harmony that I find best beneath the open sky. There, where infinity unfolds, and I encounter the meaning of my existence. In nature, I am fascinated by its perfect and balanced creative force. It helps us release tension in difficult moments, dissolve turbulent emotions, and reconnect with our essence. Nature offers us myriad ways of healing, in all possible concrete and abstract forms.
Those who are touched by my paintings experience a sense of release through my motifs, especially if they struggle to find it in today's fast-paced world. They find themselves in a slowed-down time-space and can immerse themselves completely in it. I also create custom paintings where we search together for themes and colors that best suit the individual's personality.
I hope that my works will continue to find their way to people who share the same bond with nature, resonate with the idea of freedom, and bring them joy every day.
In the future, I would love to participate in collaborative artistic events, exhibitions, and introduce my creations to a wider audience.