09-04-2023, Sunday
Sofie asks me, "Do you want to start working on your business?" I stare at her question. One part of me is so tired that it doesn't want to deal with anything else, while the other part longs to answer, as if life itself asked me the question: "Do you really want to start working on your business?" I remember the years when I worked to improve my painting technique, to bring not only visual but also…
24-03-2023, Friday
When we celebrate birthdays, Christmas, name days, or any other anniversaries, people often wish health and luck to one another. Yet, year after year, nothing seems to change, and things often even get worse. I began to wonder why this was the case and realized that mere wishes could not bring health, money, or luck. I decided to investigate and see what could. I started by looking into health. In my early…
28-08-2022, Sunday
When I saw original photo of Pavel Vaculovič, amazing Czech photographer, the place, colors and light completely got my heart. And I was decided, I must to paint this beauty and learn how to paint all those greens, yellows, reds and browns on trees. I almost don’t remember when exactly I started painting of the alley. It’s been for me such a long path what happened in my life. This painting will always…
24-05-2022, Tuesday
Jako poměrně ještě neznámý umělec (dovolte mi si označit se tímto slovem, nechť si každý dosadí, co je mu milé), mě zajímají různé metody, jak se dostat k realizaci obrazů, kreseb a maleb, které obohatí nejen mě, ale i druhou stranu. Cíl Před pár lety jsem si zmapovala, co se dá dělat a jak využít své schopnosti malování a nepřestávám sledovat, co mě zajímá. Byly chvíle, kdy jsem chtěla dělat cokoliv…
21-11-2021, Sunday
Apparently, series of Vikings was very strong experience. Characters development and all stories from northern countries which are so different from culture of mid Europe history as we know it. My impression I must admit I didn’t know much about it, just basic information what I learned from school when I was a child. The way how it is possible to capture all emotions, life struggles, habits, values and…
05-08-2018, Sunday
It’s a bottomless well of possibilities. Really. Look around you, everyday life, people’s stories, nature stories. Stories in our heads, dreams of nights, dreams we would like to realize and mainly — our own stories, stories of our lives, desires, wishes, bolts, pain, joy, sadness and from you. A miraculous brain Our brain works in shapes, pictures. There are thousands (or millions?) thoughts every minute…
10-02-2018, Saturday
I don’t know where my ability to drawing or painting came. I’ve never heard of anybody in our family who would pursue any kind of manual art. What’s interesting that those abilities we can watch from our childhood. Mostly if a child has some strong interest or behavior, with great probability he does a particular activity a big part of his life. And very often it’s part of his temperament or somebody of…
20-12-2017, Wednesday
You have a dream. And then you’ll grow up. You try to find yourself and fit yourself into this world and after all of this, you forget about your dreams. Then the time of calming comes and you realize you didn’t have an opportunity to realize those dreams. Everywhere are people who managed something really big and you think about where the mistake happened in your life. You can see those talented people…
15-10-2017, Sunday
I skipped paintings of cubes and balls and other useless pictures. Yes, I needed to practice. So I did. I bought some paper and oil colors, brushes, pallet, turpentine and that was it. I didn’t want to destroy canvas because I had no idea how it will behave. So I chose watercolor paper which costs 7CZK (like $0.30). Inspiration I spent a whole day of watching video tutorials of Bob Ross. I understood how to…
15-08-2017, Tuesday
Everything. And nothing. It depends. Sometimes it’s like to clear everything in your head just to forget everything in the world what happened bad and focus on something fantastic. To focus on the new world in your dreamland which is completely real at the moment. With any new stroke, you can feel more like living perfect fairy-tale of your life. Flow state As next levels come just clear concentration at a…
27-06-2017, Tuesday
Yes, I did but I disagree man has to have some special talent to hold a brush and create beautiful stuff. Only what he needs is opened eyes and he must perceive what he has around him including details. And of course to want to do this activity ;). Everything is about mind A technique is the smallest part of it and it’s individual. Everybody can learn the technique of painting or drawing but if a man can’t…
25-06-2017, Sunday
This is always the first reaction of surprised people who I work with and then they find out I‘m an artist. I‘m not gonna explain how difficult personality man can be, the point is somewhere else. Faces Since I remember I‘ve had a close connection to music. And journey from music to visual art is not so far. When I was at primary school I was fascinated by people‘s mimics and their faces. Then I tried to…
Už od útlého věku jsem tíhla k různým uměleckým činnostem, ať už to bylo hraní na hudební nástroje, zpěv nebo kreslení. Tyto vášně mě provázejí celým mým životem a mám dojem, že s touhou vyjádřit své já jsem se prostě narodila a další události v životě tomu ještě více napomohly.
Postupně jsem objevila, že hlavním impulsem mé tvorby je zachytit vnitřní svobodu a harmonii, se kterými se nejlépe setkávám pod širým nebem. Tam, kde se otevírá nekonečno a potkávám se se smyslem mé existence. V přírodě mě fascinuje její dokonalá a vyvážená tvořivá síla. Pomáhá nám uvolnit napětí v těžkých chvílích, rozpustit bouřlivé emoce a navrátit se ke své podstatě. Nabízí nám množství způsobů hojení, ve všech možných konkrétních i abstraktních podobách.
Lidé, které oslovují mé obrazy, zažívají skrze mé motivy uvolnění, zvláště nemohou-li jej jednoduše dosáhnout v dnešním uspěchaném světě běžným způsobem. Nacházejí se ve zpomaleném časoprostoru a snadno se do nich zcela ponoří. Obrazy tvořím i na zakázku, kde společně hledáme téma a barevnost, které nejlépe vyhovují osobnosti daného jednotlivce.
Přeji si, aby má díla nadále nacházela cestu k lidem, kteří cítí stejné pouto k přírodě, souzní s nimi myšlenka volnosti a zároveň jim přinášela potěšení každý den.
Do budoucna bych se ráda účastnila společných uměleckých akcí, výstav a seznámila svou tvorbu se širší veřejností.