Size of the image: 45 x 70 cm
Canvas: Linen + Cotton, 360g/m2
When Love and Death Embrace. Romeo and Julie continue their dream. Love of winds. Dancers in the Dark. Dancers of the Moon. Dreamers.
What name would you give this story? I can see all of them in the picture.
I used to think love had only one form. But doesn’t it hold so much more?
I have felt love dissolve into me every time nature creates a perfect harmony of colors. When shadows form shapes that will never appear again. I have come to realize that love is music, love is dance, love is creation. It is brushstrokes, poetry, and an untold novel.
It’s the feeling we get when we step into a theater, hear a melody so mesmerizing that chills run through our spine. It’s why we seek performances that lead us into dreams we never imagined dreaming. It’s the thrill and ecstasy that make us alive, rather than machines walking on cold concrete.
I have always loved losing myself in the stories born from human minds—because I, too, have always dreamed.
At night, when everything quiets down, images and melodies start to rise. Words form on my lips. What is this state?
I don’t mind idealizing, because if dreamers stop walking among the clouds, how empty would the world be? How dull and lifeless?
So I paint what my heart has carried for so long. And if someone calls me a dreamer lost in the sky—so be it.