Paave Art

Passion for tranquility
<- Zpět

What does it come into my mind when I’m painting?

Everything. And nothing. It depends. Sometimes it’s like to clear everything in your head just to forget everything in the world what happened bad and focus on something fantastic. To focus on the new world in your dreamland which is completely real at the moment. With any new stroke, you can feel more like living perfect fairy-tale of your life.

Flow state

As next levels come just clear concentration at a detail. So in your mind, nothing else exists. Just the detail. You love it, you pamper it, just like one of your offspring. It’s what you just created into the picture to make it more beautiful, to fill the harmony, fill the perfection of nature. No, any negative thought doesn’t have to come because since then everything would be lost. The atmosphere would have gone. And you wish from all of your heart to feel this perfect moment forever. Keep it full of pure love and happiness. Please don’t go away. Nothing can hurt you in that time.

I want to understand the universe…

And sometimes I just project what happened last days to compare thoughts, events which happened and realized what’s really important. Because when you look at some beautiful picture you just know what it’s wrong and what it’s right. In this hasty world, it’s such a big need to calm you down, to stop for a while and just perceive the moment what you have; to catch the life. I just know two remedies for it: listening to music and creating a painting. Oh God, how much I love it. I wish I could express it by words somehow but I can’t find good expressions at all. And I know that’s the reason why we have art we can express it through it.

Set to be free

I can say it’s kind of some meditation sometimes. What is the best part of it all, it’s freedom. For me, it has always been priority number one to be free in my life. And it’s the way how to reach it more and more. It’s state of your mind. And I guess creative activity leads you there.

<-- Zpět

Paave Art 2024 © design & web Pavlína Ostrá