The remembrance of my uncle Miloslav
10-02-2018, Saturday
I don’t know where my ability to drawing or painting came. I’ve never heard of anybody in our family who would pursue any kind of manual art. What’s interesting that those abilities we can watch from our childhood. Mostly if a child has some strong interest or behavior, with great probability he does a particular activity a big part of his life. And very often it’s part of his temperament or somebody of adults passes an ability to the child. It also depends which opportunities an environment offers.
Child’s thinking
At the beginning of my life, we lived in a town and we didn’t have too many toys or things which we could use for our playing. It was a different time than it’s nowadays. The start of a post-communist era just began. What I remember from my childhood is that I really enjoyed drawing of anything. I liked I could give my artifact to somebody in our family. I wanted to see somebody was impressed by it. Most of my relatives weren’t — I was three, four or five years old and surely it had to be ugly :-D. My uncle Miloslav was the exception.
My uncle and pencils
He lived alone in his small flat saving money for some pretty house with garden. I always had only 6 pencils to draw my pictures but nice uncle brought me always nice pencils of 12 or more colors. It was really rarity at the time. Once, I remember, I couldn’t draw because all my pencils run out and I was so sad. But my uncle didn’t disappoint me. This time he brought Faber-Castell colored pencils. I couldn’t count but I knew this was the biggest amount I was gifted until the time. The prettiest and the greatest I’ve ever had. I was so grateful. I wish I could remember more.
How one short sentence can influence so much
He was the only person who probably noticed how much I enjoyed drawing. I remember I gave him the picture of deer and he told me he would be expecting another picture from me next time. He probably didn’t know how important it was for me to hear it.
My uncle died after a long disease when he was 45 years old, I was 12 I guess. I didn’t have opportunity getting know him better. I wish I could and I wish I could say him thank you for supporting me from the earliest age.