Where do you get inspiration from?
05-08-2018, Sunday
It’s a bottomless well of possibilities. Really. Look around you, everyday life, people’s stories, nature stories. Stories in our heads, dreams of nights, dreams we would like to realize and mainly — our own stories, stories of our lives, desires, wishes, bolts, pain, joy, sadness and from you.
A miraculous brain
Our brain works in shapes, pictures. There are thousands (or millions?) thoughts every minute in our brain. Everything you need is just listening to them, to give them space and that can’t happen without silence, your energy or time you provide.
My real activity
So what I’m just doing is watching, perceiving, searching for visual incentives which are trillions on the internet. The bigger problem is to choose what to do exactly than inspiration would be a scarce commodity. And for this I need to know myself in the best possible way, talk to myself and ask what I feel like right now and what makes sense to me the best to create, to paint.
It’s an endless journey but what isn’t?
Specifically, I use Pinterest for searching images to fit my ideas the best. Then I really admire a few photographers whose work I’m planning to paint in the near future. These are:
- @doeeme - photographer of Switzerland
- @helvetic.collective - photographer of Switzerland
- @evolumina - nature everywhere
- @kpunkka - Finnish wildlife ❤
- @discoveringfinland
(Instagram accounts)